Wire IT

0 ofertas activas

Av. Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa

2720-800, Amadora, Portugal

Sobre a Empresa

Born during the pandemic period based in Portugal, our values are based in the new IT reality: flexibility, transparency, trust, freedom, digital and creating “Hard-Wired Partnerships” to make a difference with our collaborators and clients with trusted relations. 

WIRE IT is a company specialized in IT services across the World supported by an experienced senior team driving our clients to make the best decisions.

We are also focused on contributing to a carbon-free economy, allowing for a sustainable remote work environment balanced with close relationships with our team.

For our collaborators, we provide trustworthiness and success sharing:

- Sustainable Remote environment
- Continuous Follow-ups and Feedback
- Competitive salary
- WIRE IT profit is shared with the whole team
- 200 euros/year for Online Training.

Ofertas de emprego

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